
Source code for quaterion.train.xbm.xbm_config

from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional

[docs]class XbmDevice(str, Enum): """Device selection for placement of the buffer""" CPU = "cpu" """Buffer created in CPU""" CUDA = "cuda" """Buffer created in GPU""" AUTO = "auto" """Buffer created in GPU if available. In CPU, otherwise."""
[docs]@dataclass class XbmConfig: """Determine XBM settings. This class should be returned from :meth:`~quaterion.train.trainable_model.TrainableModel.configure_xbm` """ weight: Optional[float] = 1.0 """Value to scale the buffer loss before adding it to the final loss""" buffer_size: Optional[int] = 10000 """Size of the memory buffer that holds embeddings from previous batches""" start_iteration: Optional[int] = 1000 """Iteration step to start considering the buffer loss""" device: Optional[XbmDevice] = XbmDevice.AUTO """Placement of the buffer"""


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